Things to do and discover in Puigcerdà

Puigcerdà is undoubtedly a magical place where it is worth spending a few days.

The capital of the so-called Catalan Switzerland offers us a multitude of beautiful corners to discover, and we are convinced that good accommodation is decisive when you want to enjoy it to the fullest, so come and enjoy a few days at the Terminus Hotel.

Puigcerdà is a beautiful town, from which you can visit other nearby places, both Catalan and French, since many of them are just a stone's throw away.

The town, which is believed to have been founded by Alfonso II the Chaste around the year 1177, offers a calm and peaceful atmosphere that invites you to take long, peaceful walks. It has an old town full of narrow streets, squares and monuments.

In the center is the Plaza de Santa Maria, which hosts all kinds of celebrations such as the well-known Trinxat festival or the medieval market of Puigcerdà.

If you are going to come to Puigcerdà, take good note of everything you cannot miss:

Puigcerdà Lake and Schierbeck Park

    This lake was built with the purpose of irrigating all its lands. Today it is undoubtedly a wonderful place that you cannot miss, with a dovecote and a pier. You can come at any time, with a book to relax, let your eyes delight in the beautiful swans and ducks that inhabit it or with the desire to take a walk, any excuse is good.

    Now, don't stop doing it during sunrise or sunset as this natural mirror never stops reflecting the most incredible colors.

    Next to it is Schierbeck Park, a perfect place to enjoy the natural environment and landscape.

    The bell tower

    The bell tower dates back to the 12th century, and although the Church of Santa María began to be built following the Romanesque guidelines, it was finished following those of the so-called Catalan Gothic. Today it is the only testimony of what was once the nerve center of Puigcerdà, since the rest of the church was destroyed during the civil war.

    Take the opportunity to climb to the top, you will be able to enjoy wonderful views of the region, it is worth it!

    Cereta Casino

    This building today houses the cinema theater and an exhibition hall along with others for cultural use.

    It remains closely linked to its cultural origins, thus being a meeting place for artists and writers. Begun following the guidelines of the neoclassical style, it was inaugurated in 1893 as an eclectic style building.

    Unfortunately, it only enjoyed 10 years of plenitude, since a fire destroyed it and a major restoration work was necessary that left it as we can see it today.

    We recommend taking a tour of its interior, since it is a beautiful construction with beautiful moldings and a beautiful lamp of Valencian origin.

    The fortification of Puigcerdà:

    Currently we can only find remains of old defense walls and a part of the wall.

    It was during the reign of King Alfonso I that the walls were built to defend a town, which at that time was undoubtedly of great strategic value. Due to this, Puigcerdà suffered many sieges and it was already in 1678 that the Duke of Noailles had these fortifications definitively demolished.

    Fairs and events in Puigcerdà

    Apart from visiting and touring Puigcerdà, there are also a series of events that are worth taking into account and not missing if we are in Puigcerdà during its celebration.

    At Christmas, a giant manger of singular beauty is set up. in the town's Plaza Mayor and in November and May two fairs take place in which the protagonists are horses.

    If you want to see competitions, exhibitions, etc., you are in the right place since there are competitions for stallions, females, young horses, etc. It should be noted that all the horses are of the Hispano-Breton breed, a native Catalan breed of great beauty. .

    Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy what is today considered one of the most important fairs in the Pyrenees area.

    Activities in Puigcerdà and Cerdanya

    Fly over Puigcerdà

    Have you been wanting to see more things about Puigcerdà? Fly over the city in a hot air balloon. Another way to get to know and visit the city, and enjoy its panoramic view.

    Practice sports

    Puigcerdà has a green environment full of nature in which to practice a wide variety of sports. Lovers of hiking, trekking or mountain biking will find a wide variety of routes. You can also do activities on horses, motorcycles and quads.

    Everything, everything, everything will be within your reach if you decide to stay at the Hotel Terminus in Puigcerdà. You will have a wonderful time in our relaxing rooms, don't think twice, we are sure that this will be the first time, but not the last, that you decide to spend a few days of rest with us. We will wait for you!

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